season 3
Behind-the-Сцена of Friendship
an investigation into friendship through personal experience, academic knowledge, and performance
if we imagine friendship as a stage: what happens behind the scenes? how do we create a space for friendship and how maintain it? who becomes the choreographer of movement, and who the observer? how is friendship broadcast and performed in digital reality?
two researchers originally from india and russia have envisioned friendship as a stage and looked behind its curtains. in their project, they will share with audience members practices of friendship in russian and english.
how it works: the project consists of three parts: a website, a telegram channel, and a collaborative performance with a discussion, which will take place on November 10 and 24. the parts of the performance are interlinked but can be explored in any order that works best for you. the performance will be held in both russian and english, and you are free to express your opinions and ask questions in either language.
an academic and performative duo exploring ethnography as dramaturgy, the aesthetics of soft power, and the cultural connections between India and Russia.
friendship. friendship of the nations, friendship of the people. дружба народов. what people? Родов. Of this person and that person? How does that work? Работает. We propose this: a look at how we do friendship, politically, correctly, affectively, digitally, algorithmically, and empathetically